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Advanced robotics and automation: what are the challenges and opportunities for occupational safety and health?
The automation of physical tasks through robots, cobots and artificial intelligence (AI) is impacting workplaces across many sectors. This new collection of agency publications presents different aspects of advanced robotics and automation in relation to occupational safety and health (OSH).
The main report describes the different types of tasks performed by advanced robotics and explores the opportunities as well as the challenges and risks in terms of psychosocial, physical and organisational effects on workers and workplaces. The report also informs about safety standards and highlights the importance of accurate risk assessment and end-user training.
Read the report and summary Advanced robotics and automation: Implications for occupational safety and health
Three policy briefs on advanced robotics and automation offer insight in the Impact on workers, Risks and opportunities for occupational safety and health and Key considerations for human interaction and trust
Consult other publications on advanced robotics and artificial intelligence
Learn about the seminar AI-based systems and advanced robotics: European workshop, that took place in September 2021
More about the project Digitalisation of work
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