Setor elétrico brasileiro alcança recordes históricos e conquistas em 2021 — Português (Brasil)
fevereiro 22, 2022Prouni abre inscrições com a oferta recorde de 273 mil bolsas para ingresso no ensino superior — Português (Brasil)
fevereiro 23, 2022 [ad_1]
Workers in Europe’s human health and social work activities sector are exposed to varied occupational safety and health (OSH) risks. This report provides an overview of such risks and their management, of which COVID-19 and ergonomic and psychosocial factors rank high. It also covers an overview of trends over time and drivers and barriers to OSH management, as well as worker participation in OSH.
Through analyses of the three waves of the ESENER survey and input from key sector experts, the report offers comparisons between countries and with other sectors. It concludes with important learning points to help improve OSH management in the sector.
The conclusions of the report and the preparatory work for a new OSH overview project for the health care sector are going to be discussed at a workshop on 4 May 2022.
Read the report and summary Human health and social work activities – evidence from the European Survey of Enterprises on New and Emerging Risks (ESENER)
Browse all survey results in the sector in the ESENER data visualisation
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