Comprovação de vida presencial INSS
fevereiro 3, 2022
Setor portuário bate recorde e movimenta mais de 1,2 bilhão de toneladas em 2021 — Português (Brasil)
fevereiro 3, 2022 [ad_1]
Non-binding Guidelines for the Hairdressing Sector – Available in 24 EU languages
Hairdressers are exposed to many kinds of occupational risks that can lead to health conditions like musculoskeletal disorders, skin diseases, and respiratory problems.
The “Non-binding guidelines for the hairdressing sector” are part of the European Commission’s activities to support the implementation of the European Framework Agreement on the Protection of Occupational Health and Safety in the Hairdressing Sector.
Prepared by the DG Employment and based on reference documents provided by the EU Social Partners, the guidelines provide general information on risk assessment, specific safety and health guidance for hairdressers, and a helpful list of online resources for risk management at a national level.
Read the guidelines – available now in 24 EU languages
Find out more information about the Non-binding Guidelines for the Hairdressing Sector in our legislation web section
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