Setor de serviços cresce 10,9% com altas nas cinco atividades pesquisadas — Português (Brasil)
fevereiro 10, 2022Governo Federal regulamenta regras para a renegociação de dívidas do Fies — Português (Brasil)
fevereiro 11, 2022 [ad_1]
Work-related musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) due to abnormal positions maintained during work are very common, already among young workers. The problem of persistent musculoskeletal pain is big, and it imposes a substantial health and economic burden on young people and the broader community.
An OSHwiki article shows how important it is to adopt a ‘life-course’ approach for studying musculoskeletal conditions and musculoskeletal health. It sheds light on how and why musculoskeletal conditions occur over the life course and how musculoskeletal health can be promoted.
Read the OSHwiki article: Musculoskeletal disorders among children and young people: prevalence, risk factors, preventive measures
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