Gasto de estrangeiros no Brasil cresce 63% no primeiro bimestre — Português (Brasil)
maio 4, 2022Lançado portal com informações sobre o FGTS Digital — Português (Brasil)
maio 5, 2022 [ad_1]
Improving compliance with occupational safety and health regulations – translations now available
The last decade brought many changes in the structure, organisation, and control of work in Europe. This executive summary outlines the key findings of EU-OSHA´s latest research on improving compliance with occupational safety and health (OSH) regulations in the EU.
The study focuses on different types of support, including supply chain approaches, social reporting and business incentives for OSH, and innovative strategies and practices adopted by OSH regulators. The key findings and their implications for future policy and further research are presented in this executive summary and available now in six different EU languages.
Summary – Improving compliance with occupational safety and health regulations: an overarching review – Available now in DA, EL, FR, HU, NL, PL
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