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maio 15, 2022Câmara aprova MP que cria programa de trabalho sem vínculo empregatício
maio 16, 2022 [ad_1]
Vocational Education Training (VET) is one of the best pathways to employment in Europe. Taking place from 16-20 May, the European Vocational Skills Week celebrates the many benefits VET programmes can offer to EU students and young people.
The theme for this year´s week is ‘Skills for the Green Transition’, in line with Europe´s commitment to becoming carbon neutral by 2050 known as EU Green Deal, which includes measures for equipping workers and students with the appropriate skills for employment in the green economy.
Discover the European Vocational Skills Week programme of events
Check out EU-OSHA’s OSHVET inspiring resources aimed to raise awareness of occupational safety and health among teachers and students in vocational education and training
Spread the message and share your VET stories using the #DiscoverYourTalent and #EUVocationalSkills hashtags
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