Defesa Civil Nacional autoriza repasse de R$ 1,9 milhão a oito cidades atingidas por desastres — Português (Brasil)
maio 31, 2022
Motoristas brasileiros terão carteira de habilitação com três idiomas e mais segurança — Português (Brasil)
junho 1, 2022 [ad_1]
Transport workers are exposed to multiple physical risks, may suffer violence, and many have unusual working times and monotonous work. Some of the possible consequences are accidents, musculoskeletal disorders, stress and fatigue.
Six Online interactive Risk Assessment (OiRA) sectoral tools have been released to help passenger transport companies assess and manage the occupational safety and health risks in the sector. Micro and small enterprises in Belgium (in French and Dutch), Bulgaria, Finland, France and Latvia can benefit from such tools developed by our OiRA national partners.
Check out all the OiRA tools for passenger transport
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