STF entende que acordo coletivo pode prevalecer sobre a lei
junho 3, 2022
Grupo de Lima manifesta preocupação com violação de direitos humanos na Venezuela — Português (Brasil)
junho 3, 2022 [ad_1]
Call for experts: WHO Technical Advisory Group on Occupational Burden of Disease Estimation
The World Health Organization (WHO) is convening an Advisory Group of individual experts, called the WHO Technical Advisory Group on Occupational Burden of Disease Estimation, to support the production, publication and dissemination of its estimates of exposure to occupational risk factors and occupational burden of disease.
WHO welcomes expressions of interest from scientists, healthcare professionals and healthcare regulators with expertise in the following areas: burden of disease modeling, global health, occupational cancer, occupational epidemiology, occupational exposure science, and occupational medicine.
The deadline to apply is 17 June 2022, 23:59 CEST.
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