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Consolidated Annual Activity Report 2021 — Striking achievements for safer, healthier work environments
Amid the pandemic EU-OSHA ‒ in collaboration with its stakeholders – strived to implement its ambitious work programme for 2021 and meet its targets for improving occupational safety and health (OSH) across Europe.
EU-OSHA received broad acknowledgement from its Management Board for its contribution to address the impact of COVID-19 on OSH. The board also gave credit to EU-OSHA’s contribution to the objectives of the EU’s Strategic Framework on Health and Safety at Work in line with its Multi-annual Strategic Programme.
The report also features the achievements in EU-OSHA’s research on the digitalisation of work, its contribution to reducing musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) and the development of foresight studies. Important initiatives under the 2021 work programme included the ongoing development of Online interactive Risk Assessment (OiRA) tools, the follow-up studies based on ESENER data, the Lighten the Load Healthy Workplaces Campaign and the preparatory work for a workplace exposure to carcinogens in Europe survey, which aims to contribute to the fight against cancer as a cause of work-related deaths.
Click the link to the executive summary and infographic on key performance indicators for 2021
For a deep dive into the findings read the full Consolidated Annual Activity Report for 2021
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