Brasil tem quatro aeroportos entre os mais pontuais do mundo — Português (Brasil)
agosto 9, 2022
Dia de Mobilização marca o início do recenseamento da população indígena — Português (Brasil)
agosto 10, 2022 [ad_1]
The world is sweeter thanks to Brazil, the undisputed leader in the production and export of sugar. Part of the history of Brazilian development is directly linked to the production of this commodity.
Production of sugar in Brazil began in 1533 with the installation of the first sugar mill in the coastal city of São Vicente, in what is now the state of São Paulo. Afterwards, production moved to the northeast, making the region the richest in Brazil.
In 2021, Brazil has accounted for 36.7% of the global supply, generating US$ 9.2 billion in exports – twice that of the second largest exporter, which accounts for 15.2% of the supply.
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